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by Hakeem IBRAHIM

Our insatiable appetite for personal growth only fuels our dependency on ever dwindling resources - without replenishment or reprise and to devastating effect.

Simply put; where some are prospering, others are falling further and further behind and this gap between these two global communities of the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ is widening at an alarming rate. More than 80 per cent of the world’s population now lives where income differentials are widening.

In the first instance, we can’t be here without changing. Everything about this world is changing each moment. It may seem as if some things are relatively stable, but the truth is that, we can’t see much of the change happening in this world. On the microscopic level, everything is changing constantly. We can, of course, see our lives visually, but even there we may not be aware of all the changes going on. Our relationships change, if not entirely, the circumstances change, our feelings change, other people’s feelings change, nobody is ever exactly the same each moment.

The global recession, for example, has claimed many victims, most are families. Families that were once self-sufficient are destitute, homeless, and unable to provide basic nutrition for their loved ones. And as the recession continues the gap between those who have and those who do not will continue to widen. The world needs change if we are to give ourselves a fighting chance to tip the scales of poverty back in our favor.

I have to, sincerely, embrace the changes that are happening in my life; I know they are leading me to greater heights!

Knowing fully that, unless we try to do something beyond what we have already mastered, we will never grow. More so, I will liken a change in an organization, like this to how the leafy trees do not cling to their leaves too firmly, therefore, such change is about releasing the old leaves to make ways for new ones.

As changes take place in different aspects of our individual life, so also, it happens to non-living items or better still, materials purposely used in our lives, for betterment. Such as, change in our taste for wears, cell phones, cars, buildings etc all these are expected in human life, because, change is a necessary part of life. Without change there would be no life at all. Our lives are actually fueled by change, though most of us want a certain amount of stability. But, “if we always do what we have always done, we will always get what we have always got”.

In view of the above, I have the course to appreciate Almighty ALLAH for the un-regrettable course of service with my employer – Zarm Poultry and Feed Mill Industry, at different capacities, through Supervisor 1, Senior Supervisor, Asst. Manager and Acting Manager (within and outside the establishment) since 2008.

Firstly, having worked with:

  1. At least one of the large farms in the whole of Nigeria.
  2. Great men and women who are Icons and Stars as management team and staffs within and outside my technical department
  3. And having good relationship with external bodies in my chosen industry and finally
  4. And stage a come-back to re-learn and re-enrich my competencies, when I realized that, it is technically ideal to be a supervisor on a lager establishment than a manager over a small holding, for better experiences and exposure. (There will always be important reasons to opt for a 2nd degree at the same university where you bagged 1st degree).

Secondly, for having stepped on many toes, a normative process in the course of discharging daily or routine duties; majorly due to:

  1. Management theory which says “Theory without practice is conjuncture and is usually irrelevant, and practice without theory is idiosyncratic and unsustainable, and
  2. My attention to details, fairly disciplined nature and close-monitoring policies which are not only limited to the following ways:
  • Attendance from resumption to closing time
  • Assigned duties throughout the required period
  • Guiding against clock-watching attitude of staff, undeserved permission and absence with flimsy excuses
  • Resource management skill to refurbish used items, to delay issuance of new ones, when necessary, but against the will of staffs in most cases
  • Policy of “a full day’s pay demands a full day’s work”, except when justified
  • Monitoring the exact days of permission, off-duty, absence and leave of absence. All of which and many others are aimed at not cheating one to favor another i.e. human justification of fairness to all.

“When people understand the “why”, they are more likely to accept the “what”

          Today I seek forgiveness from everyone who might have been offended by my actions and activities; in as much as I did that in good faith and for the purpose mentioned – “fairness to all”.

Conclusively, I believe we are parting now to meet later by “HIS GRACE” at higher levels. The world is now technologically a global village; people meet on different platforms or social hubs, not only to start relationships but also to continue, despite their distances apart. Therefore, if you are reading this, then you are already on one of my links.



“The fact that you aren’t where you want to be, should be enough motivation for a step forward”.

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